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Dolphin Facts

  • Dolphins have a “signature whistle” which allows others to recognize them.
  • There are many accounts of dolphins helping humans and even whales.
  • Dolphins live in groups and cooperate with each other to get food and raise offspring, called calves.
  • Dolphins play-fight with each other and also play with seaweed. They have also been known to play with other animals such as dogs.
  • Dolphins sleep by resting one side of the brain at a time. This allows them to continue rising to the surface for air and to keep an eye open to watch out for predators.
  • Dolphins use echolocation to find food and navigate. This is a natural version of radar.
  • Dolphins can jump as high as 20 feet out of the water.
  • The “killer whale”, or Orca, is actually a dolphin.


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