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Vocabulary Words

Words are presented in the order they appear in The Adventures of Starfoot and Brown. Definitions are for the words as they are used in the book. Many of these words have additional, alternate meanings in other contexts.

Chapter 2 – Arrival at Bald Head Island

*Bay: small body of water set off from the ocean

*Biscuit: crisp, baked treat

*Blared: sounded loudly and harshly

*Bow: the front part of a ship

*Challenge: a hard or interesting task

*Channel: a narrow, deep path into a harbor

*Chugging: moving slowly, with power fading on steep hills

*Dappled: with patches of dark and light

*Exterior: outside surface

*Fluttered: flapped wings rapidly

*Focus: close, directed attention

*Galumphed: moved clumsily

*Gangplank: a bridge that opens and closes to give access to and from a boat

*Gusto: great pleasure

*Harbor: a protected body of water deep enough to float boats

*Hustle: busy activity

*Intervened: came between to settle a disagreement

*Invasion: entrance without permission

*Lumbering: moving slowly and heavily

*Marina: a protected water area with docks for ships

*Renovation: to restore to a better state

*Semi-tropical: partly like the tropics in animals, plants and weather 

*Separate: to keep apart

*Starboard: the right side of a ship looking forward

*Stashed: put in a secret place for later use

*Terminal: a building at either end of a shipping lane

*Territory: area that belongs to one

*Tram: a boxy wagon drawn by a small truck

*Visible: able to be seen

*Wake: the waves or track left when a boat passes through water

*Warily: carefully, watching for trouble

*Wynd: a main road that winds around and through Bald Head Island


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